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Monday, August 27, 2012

So, we're a LITTLE obsessed with skulls. . .so what!

Hey there, Stephani here! 

I decided to share the adventure that is the current scarf I'm working on, ya know, if it ever gets finished. 

It all started with getting very frustrated working on a skull pattern I purchased on Ravelry. Not only do I HATE most patterns, this one didn't have pictures and wasn't very clear. So I tried it a few times, and then got the idea to just stitch the skull parts on a base instead of trying to crochet it. 

It was a glorious moment. 

This is what I started out working on. . .

And this is what I decided to make instead. . .
If you know me, then you know I love skulls. Studied them in college, wear them on everything, and am obsessed with anything to do with Halloween or the Day of the Dead. Seems pretty cliche for a weird girl that loves to craft, but hey, the heart wants what the heart wants, RIGHT?!?!

So here's some closeups of how to get started on your own sugar skull patch. I plan to turn all of mine into a scarf possibly, but we'll see how that ends up. I'm a master procrastinator. 

NOW! Gather you're supplies! I used a little scrap yarn for this and an "I" hook. You'll also need some embroidery thread and a yarn needle, and whatever scissors you like to use for shankin'.

I keep my needles in a Hello Kitty tin, SO WHAT!?

Start with your base, I just followed the same double crochet pattern that you would use to make a beanie, stopping when it starts to look like a skull . . .

Next, just add some flowers of whatever design you'd like for eyes. . .

TADA! You're almost there. Now just get to stitchin'. . .

Upside-down hearts make adorable noses.

Here's my latest. . .the light pink flower is kind of hard to see in the picture, but the colors are great together. 

3 down, only like 15 more to go. =___=

Next up, you'll get to see my first go at a blanket. Get EXCITED!!

Make sure to stop by our Facebook to keep up with what we're working on, and if you like what we're doing, help us out by visiting our Etsy. <3 <3 <3

Sunday, August 12, 2012

SatNERDay on Sunday

Stephani and Beard were on vacation, so no farmers market WHICH MEANS I have the time to work on all those projects I start and never finish.  And watch Doctor Who all weekend.

Seriously, so much Doctor Who action.

ANYWAY,  I've had this head floating around for a while now.  It started out as a Nick Fury amigurumi, but I forgot and gave it two eyes.  =__=

Rather than wasting a perfectly good safety eye, I decided to practice my hair skills.  Which are limited considering i've never done it before.

Thanks to google, I found this tutorial: EssHaych Amigurumi Hair Tutorial

And ended up with this fancy, hairy lady project.  PLEASE ENJOY AWKARD PARTIAL BALD HAIR POSITIONS.  I honestly had too much fun with this part.  Might have been why it took all afternoon...

I had made a little crochet beanie to go with it, but with all that hair it doesn't even come close to fitting... I thought about making a new one, but then I stopped.

I also started a little red panda!

He still needs ears and a tail, but I love him already.  I haven't decided if he's going up on the shop page or not..

Also!  (I say also a lot, it'll get worse, believe me) It was Beards birthday this week and I made him something with some sticks and string and bits and pieces.  I can't tell you what it is, can't spoil the surprise before they get home to see it!  Unless he reads this and guesses what it is...

ANYWAYS, see what we're up to by checking out our Facebook or see what we've got for sale on our Etsy


Thursday, August 2, 2012

You May Have Noticed, I'm Not All There Myself

The Other One (please note that this blog does not monitor its language)

*dramatic music*

Just a little introduction, stick with it.  This blog is based around my and Stephani's business, Down The Rabbit Hole, but that's not all it is.  It's about the people that made it happen and the things that happen to the people that made it happen.

Oh yeah, I went there.

If you haven't guessed, I'm the Heather kind.  Sticks and string is my medium.  I started crocheting about a half a year ago and stuck with it.  Which, for me is saying something.  I'll be the first to say I'm not the best at it, but I do think I'm pretty good and try and learn something new all the time.  I fight with my yarn quite a bit, but we usually work things out.

I've also started to realize that the apocolypse has begun.  Only, it's not zombies like I expected (didn't everyone?) so all that practical training Stephani and I did will probably go to waste..

                                                      Because we're awesome.

It's spiders.


I’m not sure there’s anything I hate more thanspiders.  Except maybe styrofoamsqueaking against styrofoam.  If I werefighting a war and the weapons were styrofoam chunks, I’d surrender. 
Anyway, back to creepy arachnids. They’ve been sneaking up on me all day! They’re stealthy little ninja shits. 

If I we’re fighting a war and the enemy was a mass ofgiant spiders, I’d have a heart attack. Ron Weasley had it right.  Spidersare terrifying. 
And to completely under-mind me, the spiders all gottogether and decided to terrorize me. Hiding in the bathroom at work, spinning a web over my half of the carand trying to snatch my keys, and the worse insult—keeping a post above myfront door.  He’s smart, too.  He makes his web against the wall and thecabinets so that if I get to close with a boot or a bottle of bleach he canduck into a crack.   
That’s right, I said bleach.  I’m the MacGyver of killing 8 leggedcreepies.  Hairspray and a largeboot.  Effective.   Well, usually.  I’ve tried everything I can think of to getrid of this one..  Sneaking up on him, throwingshoes at him, spraying bleach at him, calling him awful degrading names,threatening to charge him rent—nothing works. He just sits in his web and stares down at me or ducks for cover.  I’m sure he’s laughing his creepy little faceoff.

Photo found at

I’ve got my very own Cheshirebeast who constantly has a smile on her kooky face, but then, cats dothat. 

I adore her.
Pinned Image

(Obviously this isn't a self portrait, but it's pretty close!)

I think that's enough "About Me" for a while, I’ve got orders to fill and spiders to kill. And when that second one doesn’t work, I may just name him Gaichu, which according to Google is how you say “pest” in Japanese. 


Gaichu is dead, I'm not at all sad to say.  Stephani is a lot braver than I am and... took care of it. 

I'm not sorry.

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The sh at the end stand for Stephani and Heather if you haven't guessed.