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Thursday, May 16, 2013

Vendor Spotlight

Down The Rabbit Hole made it to vendor spotlight!

Because we're full of awesome.

And cupcakes.

But mostly awesome.

At the bottom is the official interview, but it's not all we had to say. Here's the full story! It's a bit lengthy... Hence the cuts made, haha:

"Q: Who is Down the Rabbit Hole?
A: Down The Rabbit Hole consists of myself, Stephani Schuchart and Heather Lawson. We love all things crafty and strange.

Q: What is your favorite thing to craft/make?
A: We both have taken on a love for crochet since we started this business. We both pine over yarn and daydream about what we can turn it into. We make everything from scarves and hats to one of a kind amigurumi. We have cozies that are made for everything from your phone to your coffee cup, we even make them big enough for your laptop. We also have handmade jewelry and love to do custom orders! We love being able to take something as simple as a yarn and hook and turn in into a piece of useable art.

Q: Tell us about Down the Rabbit Hole; what inspired your shop, where do you get your ideas from, how do you all work together, what brought you to the Cape Riverfront Market?
A: We both have a love for creating strange and lovable things, which makes it easier to bounce ideas off one another. Stephani had heard about the market and thought it would be a fun way to get it all out there. I like to think that Down the Rabbit hole is an extension of ourselves. We're eclectic in what we like and a little bit macabre and we try to bring that to our booth. You never know what you’ll find or what we’ll be making next. Our talents are constantly evolving and changing so it’s hard to narrow it down to what we’ll have available.

Q: Why do you love the Cape Riverfront Market?
A: The experience. We came to the cape Riverfront market in hopes to surround ourselves with other venders who want to bring a local shopping experience to Cape. We want to shop local, and we hope that all of our customers know that when they shop with us they are getting something that is 100% handmade in our community. We get to create what we love by hand and meet other people who like it too.
And the corgis.
Bring me all the corgis."

Seriously though. ALL the corgis.

After we sent our interviewer our rough draft, she replied with a dozen corgi memes. I was in heaven!


Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Hiatus over?

Took a break from spamming the internets with all things crafty for a chance to bulk up for the local farmers market. I, personally have a LOT left to do. My crafty other half is pretty caught up and working on packaging, because she is QUEEN OF PACKAGING. I put it in caps so you know.

Let's talk t-shirt yarn. Love the stuff. Really hard to find, right? Not anymore! That's right. We made some. Not just some, a lot of some! Handmade, hand dyed, hand spun-- just how we do things down the rabbit hole.
It didn't take us long once we got the method down, so hopefully we can keep turning these suckers out. Hopefully everyone loves the as much as I do! (We do)

This year, we have a ton of crochet. Which I adore because crochet is my favorite. I'm playing with a few ideas and patterns. Maybe those will take shape and make an appearance. Maybe. Patterns are finicky.

Quick and messy blog updates brought to you from the scatter brain, and since I am using a smart phone instead of a computer like the lazy individual that I am, all the photos get shunted to the bottom. So.... Enjoy.


As usual, if you want to keep up with our antics, check out our (many many forms of communication)



Instagram: @unique_alice

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Serious Face Are Serious.

I've thought long and hard about this and.. it's time to really buckle down.

*dramatic music*

Seriously, the local farmers market is starting in a very short month and I feel completely unprepared! This is officially the month of make and of stocking up!

I tried out a Totoro design I've had dancing around in my head and I have to say I'm a little proud. It's a mini version, and very simplistic, but it's my own design and it works up fairly quick.

Invasion of the Totoro clones? I think so.

Prepare to see these and (hopefully) many other little cuties if you're in the Southeast little corner of Missouri and you're totally into Farmers Markets! (Which you should be. It's good for you. Probably..)


Wednesday, February 27, 2013

I'm sorry...

So... I'm gonna spam this business a little bit, I apologize in advance.

I've been a little addicted to this adorable little blog at

It's almost the end of the February giveaway and I need all the help I can get!

If you're into it, repost this on your social media (not that I necessarily want anyone else to win, sorry guys ^__^)

Go to her blog's February 1st post and follow the rules, or just leave a comment and tell her you want me to win! (Pretty sure that doesn't make any difference but it'd make me a happy girl)

Spam, fin


Friday, February 1, 2013

It's a crochet thing

I've been obsessing over these perfectly true memes all morning! Go check out for more hilarious and also perfectly true goats!